I’ve always slightly cringed when people refer to emotional experiences as “juicy”, but I get the intent. It’s a sweet, deep way to connect. While I love that form of connection, the juicy-ness I’m talking about here is using an actual juicer and lots of veggies.
Vegetable juice is such an awesome way to get nutrients on the go.
And, it doesn’t have to taste terrible. I recently learned a new term “quaffable” which means ‘easy to drink’ and, while it is normally reserved for alcoholic beverages, I’m going to use it to describe the yummy juice I’ve been making.
I tend to keep things as simple as possible, so I mostly wait until there are some veggies that are on the verge of going bad and then I do a juicing bonanza. I own a slow-masticating juicer - not because I did a ton of research, but because I asked my friend who works for JuiceLand and he said that it was the best type and preserved the most nutrients. I think found one that was small enough that I could leave it on my counter top without it being annoying because if it goes into a cupboard it is never coming out again.
Here are the things I put in my juicer and have found to be delicious.
The amounts don’t really matter because this is a practical juice more than anything else and you can save whatever you don’t immediately drink in mason jars for later.
lemon or lime
parsley or cilantro
Every now and then I’ll throw in an apple or pear if they are about to go bad and I want something kinda sweet, but for the most part this is the jam.
It’s healthy, easy, and your body will thank you.
Do yourself a favor and clean the juicer asap so you don’t create a seriously annoying hassle later. And, remember to hit the reverse button for a bit before trying to take it apart to clean it - it helps so much. Another tip is to cut the veggies (especially celery) in like 3 inch pieces so the fibers don’t wreak havoc in the machine. You got this!
Green Juice