I have been slowly ramping up my obsession for photon led light therapy and it’s basically at full throttle now. The device I’m most obsessed about has red, yellow, and blue light options or a combo of these PLUS infrared. It can be used on the face or wrapped around most body parts to facilitate healing.
Read moreHealthy AND Cute: Microneedling & Acupuncture Dreamteam
Acupuncture. Facial Care. Herbs. Health & Beauty.
Cosmetic acupuncture is a natural alternative to aggressive beauty treatments. Microneedling helps with: wrinkles, fine lines, acne, skin discolorations, scarring and other skin issues.
Read moreBe Beautiful Inside & Outside with Systemic TCM Microneedling
For those of you who know me, you know that sometimes I don’t wash my face at night and I simply touch up the unwashed mascara as I race out the door with my coffee. I tell myself that this is efficient and multi-tasky (much kinder than ‘lazy’).
I also don’t use eye cream like I’m supposed to as a late-30s woman. I have laugh line wrinkles (much better than ‘crow’s feet’) alongside some pimples which are probably the reason I tend to get carded when buying alcohol.
My stance on the beauty industry is that it profits off creating self-doubt and insecurity particularly in women. I effing hate that.
I don’t want to be intimidated into injecting poison into my face to fit a standard of beauty defined by older white men lining their pockets with my perceived inadequacies. AND. . . I also want to look and feel beautiful.
I finally found the answer: Systemic TCM Microneedling
Systemic TCM microneedling (TCM = Traditional Chinese Medicine) is a fantastic way for you to both look and feel beautiful.
Antiaging is out - this is Graceful aging, Supportive aging, Honoring aging.
Microneedling will help:
minimize fine lines and wrinkles
support collagen and elastin production
reduce the appearance of acne scars and discolorations
enhance skin texture and increase serum absorption by 2000%.
That means a whole lot more of the Chinese herb infused serums will be making their way into your system.

Imagine this:
You lay on an infrared crystal mat while a customized Chinese herb-infused serum is applied to your face.
Customized acupuncture points are added for your unique health needs.
The microneedling treatment is completed and an herbal topical mask is applied while you rest.
An optional add on of facial light therapy can finish off the treatment.
You leave feeling revitalized inside and out.
Don’t just look better. . . feel better.
If this resonates with you BOOK NOW for Systemic TCM Microneedling.
If you aren’t into the microneedling thing NO WORRIES - I will never push this on you. (I’m still traumatized by a dermatologist I went to see for a skin care check and she ended up telling me I needed botox and I vowed never to be her). So, know that I do this microneedling cosmetic/facial acupuncture thing. Know you don’t have to get it. Know I’m always here for you.
Your TCM microneedling session includes body acupuncture, concentrated serums infused with powerful Chinese herbs, a soothing aloe topical mask, and time spent on a crystal infrared mat to help promote circulation, reduce pain, and enhance relaxation.
For $350, you'll feel better, look better, and never freak out about whether your pores are visible on Zoom again. Customized facial care programs available upon request.
P.S. This modality also works for hair regrowth and reducing the appearance of stretch marks!
P.P.S Want even more info? Check out the microneedling tab!